Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finds of the day!

This is what I got at the estate sale:

$5.00, I just wish it came with the right film, and it's so cute

Not pictured: $1.00 bulletin board, 2 end tables one with a lamp attached and a bookshelf type thing $25.00 altogether for my boyfriend. Also my mom bought a bunch of little figurines and knicknacks. I'd say it was a successful day!

TJ Maxx:

Black and white plaid shirt - $3.50

Off white top - $3.50 (Love the floral buttons)

Purple embroidered dress - $10.00

Black bomber jacket - $29.99

Camel dress - $10.00 (You can never have enough dresses)

Black ankle boots - $59.99

I broke down and got a pair of rain boots, I think they're cute, only $19.99.

Outfit for the day:

Knit cap - Target
Scarf - Target
Heathered tights - Target (they look black in the picture)
Pink flats - Old Navy kid's
Shirt dress - Old Navy
Blazer - Plato's Closet (Gap - only $18!)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


These are so adorable, I know I'm a little too old for stuffed animals, but squishables are so cute. Prices vary from $38.00 - $44.00. I want one as a pillow.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

T-mobile vs. Verizon

T-mobile national coverage map

Verizon national coverage map

First off, I have T-mobile, and I hate it. There are so many more holes on the T-mobile map, and obviously there's less service. As you can see on the Verizon map the midwest is pretty much solid with coverage.

Second, my friend's screen on her phone cracked on the inside twice for no reason, keep in mind that she doesn't have insurance and she has Verizon, anyways, the first time she took it in she paid $50.00 for a new phone, the second time she took it in which was about a week later, she got a free new phone.

The same thing happened to my phone when I had the dash, my screen cracked on the inside for no reason, and I took it into T-mobile and they asked me if I had insurance, and I said no, and then they said there was nothing they could do about it and if I wanted a new phone that I could buy a new one for over $300.00, and I asked if they could fix it, and they said they had no idea how to and they told me to go to a Verizon store to get help, which is complete bullshit, because they're referring me to another phone company. I have some tech-smart friends, and they told me I should just get a new screen online and so I did, and it was about $70.00 altogether, which isn't a big deal. I got it in the mail and one my my tech savvy friends fixed it, but after a month of so, the screen cracked again. HTC phones are what they're cracked up to be.

Lastly, for T-mobile you have to wait 2 years to get an upgrade, but for Verizon, you wait two years for when you first get your contract, and then just one year after that to get an upgrade.

So in conclusion, T-mobile sucks, and Verizon wins.
If only I could get out of this two year contract.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Camera, house, movie, beards

Bought a new camera, only $249.99 with a 4GB memory card for $12.99 at Best Buy. It's a pretty decent camera, I like the quality of the pictures, it's better then my last one, and there's more settings, I'm going to give my old one to my parents. It's a bit bulky, but not heavy or hard to handle.

House marathons have been on constantly, and that's one of the things that keeps me awake. I cried when I saw the episode where House has a heart attack and almost dies. For some reason I just think he's really attractive even though he's such an asshole!

I watched Into the Wild, although I've never read the book, I've heard the story behind the movie, and I think it's incredible. Emile Hirsch is an amazing actor, and he's adorable. I cried towards the end, it's just so sad, even though I had an idea of what was going to happen.

I think that all guys should grow beards/facial hair.
1. Keeps you warm
2. Saves time because you don't have to shave
3. Chicks dig it/looks good
4. Can cover up blemishes?

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I stumbled across these pictures, and thought they were so cute and I couldn't resist putting them up. White tiger and chimp best friends.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


All unfinished, I think, I need backgrounds. Suggestions?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hello Kitty and super me!

While stumbling, I found this Hello Kitty themed hospital. Talk about cuteness overload. It's in Taiwan and has 30 rooms. So adorable, yet a little much, but I know Lauren would get a kick out of this!

I stumbled across and found it so funny, it's kodak's way of advertising I guess, you can put a picture of yourself or someone else in a super hero body and create a short video. The video is the same every time, but I thought it was hilarious. I LOLed for a good 5 minutes.

Ever thought? Hey I want to smell like meat!?

Well, if those words have ever left your mouth, you are very lucky. Burger King came out with a cologne called "Flame" that is supposed to make you smell like cooked meat. Yummy, right? What girl could resist that? Hahaha. Who in their right mind would want to smell like cooked meat? I guess you really can have it your way? I suppose if you're really interested it's a pretty good 'value', $3.99! Full of puns the morning; lack of sleep.

The commercial:

The king is creepy enough! Ugh!

CNN's take:

So hilarious though! Apparently, it smells like gasoline!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I miss

my brother :(

Movie review

I would probably give Milk 4 1/2 stars out of 5, not only because I support homosexuality. This movie, of course was based on the true story of Harvey Milk, who became the first openly gay male elected to a public office. Although he ran three times and and failed, his fourth try prevailed. I laughed and cried. One of the best things about this movie is the amazing casting: Sean Penn, James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin and so on. This is also a great time for this movie come out that can help open people's eyes to the controversy and horrific pass of Prop 8; I do not support taking away ANY human rights or discrimination. I think we need another movement. Watch this movie, it'll be a good way to spend 2 hours and 8 minutes of your time.