Monday, December 29, 2008

Camera, house, movie, beards

Bought a new camera, only $249.99 with a 4GB memory card for $12.99 at Best Buy. It's a pretty decent camera, I like the quality of the pictures, it's better then my last one, and there's more settings, I'm going to give my old one to my parents. It's a bit bulky, but not heavy or hard to handle.

House marathons have been on constantly, and that's one of the things that keeps me awake. I cried when I saw the episode where House has a heart attack and almost dies. For some reason I just think he's really attractive even though he's such an asshole!

I watched Into the Wild, although I've never read the book, I've heard the story behind the movie, and I think it's incredible. Emile Hirsch is an amazing actor, and he's adorable. I cried towards the end, it's just so sad, even though I had an idea of what was going to happen.

I think that all guys should grow beards/facial hair.
1. Keeps you warm
2. Saves time because you don't have to shave
3. Chicks dig it/looks good
4. Can cover up blemishes?

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