Thursday, October 16, 2008

Growing up and James Franco

The other night, I saw some that looked EXACTLY like James Franco did in Annapolis. So cute!

I'm only 17, but I feel like I'm growing up way too fast. I skipped my senior year and my high school days are already behind me. I feel like maybe I made the wrong decision. I need to be around people more around my age, I feel like. Today someone took me as in my 20s, and it didn't feel like a compliment although it should have been taken as one. I have the rest of my life to get older and I don't want it to happen so fast like it's been happening. I do want to look my age and feel the age that I am right now because I'm still at my prime. I should be out having fun instead of sitting around and wasting away the days of my youth.

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